Adhesion bitumen

Marshall left the pitch adhesion characteristics test (retained Marshall test) checked. In this test, eight species by Marshall graded aggregates and bitumen are made. These eight samples are divided into two groups of four. That empty space is equal in both groups. The more samples in a water bath kept at 60 ° C for 48 hours. Marshall stability is then measured. Marshall stability, Marshall stability of processed samples and prototypes to remain as stable Marshall (retained Marshal stability) is defined.

There's also a fairly wide dispersion stability and reproducibility of absolute poor is inherent in the Marshall test. It was found that taking percent compared to the results obtained from the standard process difference between the results from different laboratories to reduce.
Observation and laboratory test results conducted on the effectiveness of a key relationship between functional properties and tells the pitch conditions. This suggests that if play is not balanced molecular weight and chemical composition of bitumen can be heterogeneous tissue that can affect the properties of adhesion and cohesion of bitumen.